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6 Simple Ways to Be Healthier in 2023 (Even if You’re Really Busy)

By January 23, 2023December 18th, 2023No Comments

6 simple things you can do to be healthier in 2023 with minimal effort

Breaking up large goals into smaller, simple, achievable steps, on the other hand, can keep you on the path to success no matter how much you have going on in your life. If prioritizing your health is on the agenda, the team at Innovative Orthodontic Centers is sharing 6 simple things you can do to be healthier in 2023 with minimal effort:

1. Work More Movement Into Your Day

While there is no single best way to get healthy that applies to everyone, experts do agree that regular exercise is an important component. No time for a lengthy, daily workout? No problem! It’s okay to think outside of the box. If you have a job where you sit for long stretches, take five to 10 minute activity breaks every few hours. Do jumping jacks, stretch, walk around the block or do a short yoga sequence. 

On the weekends, spend quality time with loved ones in a way that’s active like playing tag with your kids, going on a bike ride with your significant other or taking a hike with a friend. 

Another good way to fit exercise into a busy schedule is to turn daily activities into a mini-workout. Go up and down the steps a few extra times when you’re putting away laundry or have a dance party while you do the dishes. 

2. Do Smoothie Prep for an Easy – and Braces-Friendly – Way to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Smoothies are a great option for getting a few servings of your five-a-day in one delicious drink. Plus, they’re ideal for braces-wearers because they’re soft, cold and filling.

Streamline things by choosing a recipe each week (we love this green smoothie), buying the ingredients in bulk and meal prepping your smoothies. To save even more time, instead of freezing batches of ingredients, use this method from the Kitchn to freeze blended smoothies. You’ll only have to break out the blender and clean it once a week. 

3. Batch Your Preventative Care Appointments

A lot of articles on how to be healthy focus solely on diet and exercise. But preventative health and dental care are just as important. During these visits, your doctor or dentist will be able to let you know where your health stands and give you personalized recommendations for improving it. 

If they do find an issue, catching it early increases the chances the condition can be successfully treated in the least invasive way possible. 

Make it easy on yourself to keep up with your wellness visits by figuring out which offices are closest to each other and scheduling those appointments on the same date. For example, maybe you schedule your yearly physical, a dental cleaning and exam and blood work all on one day. This will let you knock out several visits at once.

4. Schedule Self-Care

Taking time to decompress and give yourself a little TLC is important for both your physical and mental health. But, self-care is often the first thing we sacrifice when things are hectic. Treat “you time” just like you would a work meeting or social engagement by putting it on your schedule and sticking to it. 

Self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or super involved. As the phrase suggests, it’s about taking care of yourself. That could look like going for a walk in nature, spending an afternoon reading, engaging in a favorite hobby or giving yourself permission to put your phone away for a few hours. 

5. Swap Out One Processed Food Item You Eat Regularly for a Whole Food

Eating a lot of highly processed foods puts you at risk for chronic disease. Opting for whole, unprocessed or minimally processed foods instead will deliver important nutrients without anything extra like added sugar or chemical additives. 

Yet, it’s hard to eat healthy by forgoing all convenient, packaged foods when you’re on a tight schedule. Instead, try swapping out one item in your regular rotation for a whole or fresh food. 

For example, if you eat a cereal bar every morning, exchange it for the smoothies we talked about or overnight oats. Or, if you have chips every afternoon, try a hardboiled egg or an apple with nut butter instead. 

6. Book a Complimentary Consultation at Innovative Orthodontic Centers

Orthodontic treatment won’t just improve your oral health. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean, reducing your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. And a healthy bite can help with chewing and digestion, open your airway, and alleviate jaw and TMJ pain and dysfunction. All of this adds up to a healthier mouth and body. 

Getting your dream smile doesn’t have to take years or be inconvenient either. At Innovative Orthodontic Centers, we use a powerful technology bundle and revolutionary treatments, including Invisalign® and SureSmile® prescription braces wires, for better results in less time without cutting corners. We also have tools like iTrack to remotely monitor your progress, so you only have in-person visits when you actually need them.

Connect With a Naperville or Shorewood, IL Orthodontist

Being healthy isn’t an all-or-nothing thing. Incorporating these small changes will help you feel your best. If you’re ready to find out how we can improve your smile and oral health comfortably and conveniently, schedule a free consultation at Innovative Orthodontic Centers in Shorewood or Naperville, IL today!